Developing the next generation of sports media professionals.
This is an exclusive online mentorship program that is designed for creatives who are passionate about pursuing a career in sports media.
By combining hands-on experience with specialized guidance, we provide you with a unique pathway to personal and professional growth.
Join a collective of like-minded peers and learn from industry experts to enhance your portfolio, strengthen your resume, gain insider knowledge, and take the next steps to build your future.
Key Benefits.
Receive the tools & guidance to maximize your chances of securing a position in an extremely competitive job market.
Learn how to stand out by creating a polished portfolio, resume, and cover letter that accurately represents you.
Interact and learn from industry professionals, as well as various guest speakers.
Receive personalized guidance that you can’t find anywhere else.
Connect and collaborate with a community of creatives that are passionate about sports and media.
Surround yourself with positive and ambitious people that support your goals.
Join workshops that help you adopt and apply new skills.
Participate in challenges that encourage you to think outside the box.
Share your projects and receive creative feedback.
Get access to an actively updated list of job and internship opportunities.
Learn interview techniques and strategies that will make you stand out from competitors.